2011年 | 岡山大学医学部卒業 社会医療法人鴻仁会 岡山中央病院 初期臨床研修医 |
2013年 | 慶應義塾大学医学部外科学教室入局 公立福生病院 外科 |
2014年 | 独立行政法人国立病院機構 栃木医療センター 外科 |
2015年 | 慶應義塾大学病院 一般・消化器外科 |
2018年 | 社会福祉法人恩賜財団 済生会横浜市東部病院 消化器外科 |
2020年 | 慶應義塾大学病院 一般・消化器外科 助教 |
2023年 | 中山醫學大學附設醫院 一般外科 達文西微創手術中心(台湾臨床留学) |
2024年 | 慶應義塾大学医学部 外科学教室 助教 |
2022年 | 第20回日本消化器外科学会大会 若手奨励賞 |
2020年 | 刀林奨励賞(慶應義塾大学医学部外科学) |
2018年 | 前田賞(慶應義塾大学医学部外科学) |
2016年 | Japan Digestive Disease Week、ポスター賞 |
2016年 | The 19th Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Travel Award |
2021~ 2022年度 | バイエル薬品株式会社 研究助成金 「大腸癌肝転移における遺伝子パネル検査を用いた網羅的遺伝子解析と血液中のエクソソームに着目したバイオマーカー検索」 |
2019年 | 文部科学省科学研究費 若手研究 「レクチンアレイを用いたエクソソーム糖鎖解析による新規膵癌バイオマーカーの開発」 |
1. | Nakano Y, Shimane G, Nakamura K, Takamatsu R, Aimono E, Yagi H, Abe Y, Hasegawa Y, Hori S, Tanaka M, Masugi Y, Kitago M, Nishihara H, Kitagawa Y. Next‐generation sequencing to identify genetic mutations in pancreatic cancer using intraoperative peritoneal washing fluid. Oncol lett. 2024;27:139. |
2. | Nakano Y, Endo Y, Kitago M, Nishiyama R, Yagi H, Abe Y, Hasegawa Y, Hori S, Tanaka M, Shimane G, Soga S, Egawa T, Okuda S, Kitagawa Y. Clinical characteristics and predictive factors of postoperative intra-abdominal abscess after distal pancreatectomy. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2023;408(1):170. |
3. | Nakano Y, Abe Y, Kitago M, Yagi H, Hasegawa Y, Hori S, Koizumi W, Ojima H, Imanishi N, Kitagawa Y. Extrahepatic approach for taping the common trunk of the middle and left hepatic veins or the left hepatic vein alone in laparoscopic hepatectomy (with videos). J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci, 2023;;30(2):192-201. |
4. | Nakano Y, Abe Y, Kitago M, Yagi H, Hasegawa Y, Hori S, Koizumi W, Ojima H, Imanishi N, Kitagawa Y. Extrahepatic approach for taping the common trunk of the middle and left hepatic veins or the left hepatic vein alone in laparoscopic hepatectomy (with videos). J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci, 2022 Jun 29. Online ahead of print. |
5. | Nakano Y, Kitago M, Shinoda M, Nakatsuka S, Kurihara I, Yagi H, Abe Y, Oshima G, Hori S, Yokose T, Kitagawa Y. Usefulness of selective arterial calcium injection tests for functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):235. |
6. | Nakano Y, Hirata Y, Shimogawara T, Yamada T, Mihara K, Nishiyama R, Nishiya S, Taniguchi H, Egawa T. Frailty is a useful predictive marker of postoperative complications after pancreaticoduodenectomy. World J Surg Oncol. 2020;18(1):194. |
7. | Nakano Y, Itano O, Shinoda M, Kitago M, Yagi H, Abe Y, Takeuchi A, Takemura Y, Kitagawa Y. Predictive factors for liver volume and function recovery after resection using three-dimensional analysis. HPB (Oxford), 22(6): 845-854, 2020. |
8. | Nakano Y, Kitago M, Shinoda M, Yagi H, Abe Y, Takano K, Oshima G, Takeuchi A, Endo Y, Kitagawa Y. Prognostic significance of the postoperative level and recovery rate of serum albumin in patients with curatively resected pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Mol Clin Oncol, 11(3): 270-278, 2019. |
9. | Nakano Y, Kitago M, Matuda S, Nakamura Y, Fujita Y, Imai S, Shinoda M, Yagi H, Abe Y, Hibi T, Fujii-Nishimura Y, Takeuchi A, Endo Y, Itano O, Kitagawa Y. KRAS mutations in cell-free DNA from preoperative and postoperative sera as a pancreatic cancer marker: a retrospective study. Br J Cancer, 118(5): 662-669, 2018. |
10. | Nakano Y, Kitago M, Shinoda M, Yagi H, Abe Y, Hibi T, Takeuchi A, Aiura K, Itano O, Kitagawa Y. Clinical predictive factors of long-term survival after curative resection of pancreatic cancer: a retrospective study. Cancer Med, 6(10): 2278-2286, 2017. |
11. | Hirukawa K, Masuda Y, Abe Y, Yagi H, Ibuki S, Itano O, Shinoda M, Kitago M, Hasegawa Y, Hori S, Tanaka M, Nakano Y, Matsubara K, Obara H, Yamada Y, Kuroda T, Hibi T, Kitagawa Y. Standardized upfront Glissonean approach and liver hanging maneuver reduces bile leakage from the hepatic hilum in living donors. Liver Transpl. 2022 Jul 18. Online ahead of print. |
12. | Suzuki T, Masugi Y, Inoue Y, Hamada T, Tanaka M, Takamatsu M, Arita J, Kato T, Kawaguchi Y, Kunita A, Nakai Y, Nakano Y, Ono Y, Sasahira N, Takeda T, Tateishi K, Uemura S, Koike K, Ushiku T, Takeuchi K, Sakamoto M, Hasegawa K, Kitago M, Takahashi Y, Fujishiro M. KRAS variant allele frequency, but not mutation positivity, associates with survival of patients with pancreatic cancer. Cancer Sci. 2022. |
13. | Abe K, Kitago M, Kosaki K, Yamada M, Iwasaki E, Kawasaki S, Mizukami K, Momozawa Y, Terao C, Yagi H, Abe Y, Hasegawa Y, Hori S, Tanaka M, Nakano Y, Kitagawa, Y. Genomic analysis of familial pancreatic cancers and intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms: A cross-sectional study. Cancer Sci. 2022;113(5):1821-9. |
14. | Kojima H, Yagi H, Kushige H, Toda Y, Takayama K, Masuda S, Morisaku T, Tsuchida T, Kuroda K, Hirukawa K, Inui J, Nishi K, Nakano Y, Tanaka M, Hori S, Hasegawa Y, Abe Y, Kitago M, Adachi S, Tomi M, Matsuura K, Mizuguchi H, Kitagawa Y. Decellularized Organ-Derived Scaffold Is a Promising Carrier for Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells-Derived Hepatocytes. Cells. 2022;11(8). |
15. | Endo Y, Hibi T, Shinoda M, Obara H, Kitago M, Yagi H, Abe Y, Hasegawa Y. Matsubara K, Hori S, Tanaka M, Makiuchi S, Nakano Y, Itano O, Kuroda T, Kitagawa Y. Reappraisal of liver transplantation for erythropoietic protoporphyria: A deadly combination of disease recurrence and biliary complication. Pediatr Transplant. 2022;26(4):e14261. |
16. | Fujisaki H, Nakano Y, Matsuda S, Suzuki K, Itano O, Tanaka M, Hori S, Hasegawa Y, Abe Y, Yagi H, Kitago M, Konno T, Ishihara K, Ohno K, Kishino S, Umezawa K, Kitagawa Y. Intravenous Administration of Dehydroxymethylepoxyquinomicin With Polymer Enhances the Inhibition of Pancreatic Carcinoma Growth in Mice. Anticancer Res. 2021;41(12):6003-12. |
17. | Abe K, Kitago M, Masugi Y, Iwasaki E, Yagi H, Abe Y, Hasegawa Y, Fukuhara S, Hori S, Tanaka M, Nakano Y, Yokose T, Shimane G, Sakamoto M, Kitagawa Y. Indication for resection and possibility of observation for intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm with high-risk stigmata. Pancreatology. 2021;21(4):755-62. |
18. | Kojima H, Kitago M, Iwasaki E, Masugi Y, Matsusaka Y, Yagi H, Abe Y, Hasegawa Y, Hori S, Tanaka M, Nakano Y, Takemura Y, Fukuhara S, Ohara Y, Sakamoto S, Okuda S, Kitagawa Y. Peritoneal dissemination of pancreatic cancer caused by endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration: A case report and literature review. World J Gastroenterol. 27(3):294-304, 2021. |
19. | Imai S, Kitago M, Matsuda S, Nakamura Y, Shinoda M, Yagi H, Abe Y, Fujita Y, Nakano Y, Iwata K, Nakatsuka S, Kitagawa Y. Acute Phase Response and Postprocedural Evaluation of Open and Laparoscopic Cryoablation Procedures in Porcine Pancreases. Pancreas. 2020;49(9):1255-62. |
20. | Yokose T, Kabe Y, Matsuda A, Kitago M, Matsuda S, Hirai M, Nakagawa T, Masugi Y, Hishiki T, Nakamura Y, Shinoda M, Yagi H, Abe Y, Oshima G, Hori S, Nakano Y, Honda K, Kashiro A, Morizane C, Nara S, Kikuchi S, Shibahara T, Itonaga M, Ono M, MinegishiN, Koshiba S, Yamamoto M, Kuno A, Handa H, Sakamoto M, Suematsu M, Kitagawa Y. O-Glycan-Altered Extracellular Vesicles: A Specific Serum Marker Elevated in Pancreatic Cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2020;12(9). |
21. | Yokose T, Kitago M, Matsuda S, Sasaki Y, Masugi Y, Nakamura Y, Shinoda M, Yagi H, Abe Y, Oshima G, Hori S, Fujita Y, Nakano Y, Endo Y, Abe K, Tokino T, Kitagwa T. Combination of KRAS and SMAD4 Mutations in Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissues as a Biomarker for Pancreatic Cancer: Cancer Sci, 111(6): 2174-2182, 2020. |
22. | Booka E, Nakano Y, Mihara K, Nishiya S, Nishiyama R, Shibutani S, Sato T, Egawa T. The impact of epidural catheter insertion level on pain control after esophagectomy for esophageal cancer. Esophagus, 17(2): 175-182, 2020. |
23. | Endo Y, Kitago M, Aiura K, Shinoda M, Yagi H, Abe Y, Oshima G, Hori S, Nakano Y, Itano O, Fukada J, Masugi Y, Kitagawa Y. Efficacy and safety of preoperative 5-fluorouracil, cisplatin, and mitomycin C in combination with radiotherapy in patients with resectable and borderline resectable pancreatic cancer: a long-term follow-up study. World J Surg oncol, 17(1), 145, 2019. |
24. | Yokose T, Obara H, Shinoda M, Nakano Y, Kitago M, Yagi H, Abe Y, Yamada Y, Matsubara K, Oshima G, Hori S, Ibuki S, Higashi H, Masuda Y, Hayashi M, Mori T, Kawaida M, Fujimura T, Hoshino K, Kameyama K, Kuroda T, Kitagawa Y. Colon perforation due to antigenemia-negative cytomegalovirus gastroenteritis after liver transplantation: A case report and review of literature. World J Gastroenterol, 25(15): 1899-1906, 2019. |
25. | Fujita Y, Kitago M, Abe T, Itano O, Shinoda M, Abe Y, Yagi H, Hibi T, Ishii M, Nakano Y, Okuma K, Hashimoto M, Takeuchi A, Masugi Y, Jinzaki M, Sakamoto M, Kitagawa Y. Evaluation of Pancreatic Fibrosis With Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging and Automated Quantification of Pancreatic Tissue Components. Pancreas, 47(10), 1277-1282, 2018. |
26. | Booka E, Kitano M, Nakano Y, Mihara K, Nishiya S, Nishiyama R, Shibutani S, Egawa T, Nagashima A. Life-threatening giant esophageal neurofibroma with severe tracheal stenosis: a case report. Surg Case Rep, 4(1): 107, 2018. |
27. | Endo Y, Kitago M, Miyajima A, Kurihara I, Kameyama K, Masahiro S, Yagi H, Abe Y, Hibi T, Takagi C, Nakano Y, Koizumi W, Osamu T, Kitagawa Y. Two-stage resection of a bilateral pheochromocytoma and pancreaticneuroendocrine tumor in a patient with von Hippel-Lindau disease: A case report. Int J Surg Case Rep, 44: 139-142, 2018. |
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